

Today was nothing too interesting. Sophiea painted my nails? Yay. :D They're just black, keke. Sport was soo funny and full bludge, so that was good. Um, I took an earlier bus and got home at 3:30-ish, which is like an hour earlier than usual. I have heaps of work, and haven't even gotten onto Moodle cuz Craig's too fucking busy drumming for Genvin's band. Idk what to wear to Avi and George's! I have like a skirt and like .. Not sure what top to wear.

LOL. First day. :p Lol I wanna borrow a shirt off you. A white shirt! Like a Mooks shirt. And it's gonna be oversized but like .. yeah, I wanna borrow a Mooks shirt off you, but I'm not gonna see you before Avi/George's. But omg, thank you so much! (L) I love you. ^^ !

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