
#410 Yesterday's gone

The weather looks really shit today. I just checked the weather forecast and it looks like it's gonna be rainy and cloudy and shit until like 2nd January or something. Fricken wth man! Newais, so I woke up this morning and heard my mum say that my cuz (they're from Canberra, ACT) got 98.6 for his ATAR! :0 Everyone's doing so good, omg. Kinda worried about what I'll get. :S :S

My rents are going to a Christmas party (I think) at their friend's place later. Genvin's at Dannis' place (I think) cuz Dannis' band were having band prac and their guitarist doesn't know how to play a song so they need Genvin, and cuz they need to borrow a keyboard, ahahaha.

I was meant to mention this ages ago, but omg, isn't it so cute when couples talk to each other and call each other boyfriend and girlfriend? LOL, that sounds full noob az. But Idk, there was a scene in Oth sometime and it was smth like:
Lucas: Hey .. What's up?
Brooke: I just really needed my boyfriend right now.
Lucas: Well he's here now. What can I do?

Keke. It was full cute. I swear. Keke. Omg I need Oth season 1-3 and 5-7. Like I really need 5 right now, haha, but whichever is alright. Cuz I only have season 4 atm. :( Got fricken Truong later. :0

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