
Christmas 2011

On the 21st, I invited my friends over for an early (and our first) Christmas celebration as a whole group. Suuuuuuper, super, super thankful that everyone turned up, whatever plans they had afterwards or plans they had to cancel to make it! We finally did our kris kringle too, and thank you so much to Kristina for the mascara and ear cuff, and Vivian for your super cute Christmas present! And I hope Wendy liked my KK present (pictured above: Lindt macarons, floral head bow, handmade floral wreath and scratchie fortune card.. with complementary shredded tissue paper, all in a brown cardboard box); I wanted to add more stuff but didn't have the time.. Had a fun day even though we didn't really have anything to do at my place except for take photos of and with my cat, eat and .. yeah I don't even know what we did, heh, but it was nice to be together before people left for Melbourne or overseas. Camera ran out of battery halfway but conveniently switched cameras, except I hate the dimensions of the latter photos lol. We took a Polaroid in my room (YAY for me and Vivian, Instax buddies!) but uh, noticed that it was inappropriate once the photo had actually developed so we covered it up with a unicorn sticker, HAHA. Don't know if you guys would have noticed otherwise or be able to recognise, but I love how you can see Polaroids from other times on my wall!

Oyster mornay and kilpatrick, prawn cocktail, antipasto tasting platter, fresh oysters

Since my family doesn't really celebrate Christmas that much and all we really do is have a nice dinner and spend time together as a family, we had our Christmas dinner last night. We ate ourselves, with only one light only, to make it more romantic.. Haha, nah my dad just unplugged my fairy lights. So he could plug in a bigger and more practical light. As usual, my camera is now full of photos of food and the complementary terrible photos of my face taken after dinner... which I won't show directly here because they're too embarrassing (but find a poorly collated montage of my face here, and yes, you'll be impressed).Ended the night by messing around with the voice interpreter on my brother/my phone; while my brother's phone censored everything, mine interpreted what I said into rude words even when they weren't, uncensored, silly HTC. Anyway, have a very merry Christmas everyone!

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