
Running on an hour's sleep

I think I should probably mention that starting tomorrow, I have my half yearly exams and won't be blogging much until they're over, on the 9th of May! My mind has already begun to make a mental list of things to do after my exams are over, which includes catching up and rewatching some dramas and classic Disney films, and shopping and lunch with friends right after we finish our biology exam!

Unfortunately, I didn't get any other photos of my art task before I submitted it (and this was before I even mounted those pictures properly), but maybe I'll bring my camera tomorrow to school and I'll take a photo of my unfinished task. Yep, I stayed up till 5.20am doing this shit and actually only finished up to halfway (if not, then less), and woke up an hour later at 6.20am for morning classes before school. I was actually proud of the parts I put effort into, before I came to school and saw everyone else's finished tasks. Makes my job seem pretty dismal, but my art teacher said she really liked the little books I made, yay! And as a random side note, Genvin invited a couple of his friends over for Bad Movie Night, and Jess T came over. She's actually really cute, LOL. :$

To the year 11s, good luck with your exams! I'm pretty sure a lot of people would be ahead of me right now with English since I'm cramming all of my study and preparation in the couple of hours that are remaining before the task. Running on around an hour's sleep is actually killing me, I should've bought something with caffeine while I was at the shops, instead of picking up a king size Kit-Kat Chunky and a packet of red frogs.

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